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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Physiotherapist and Research Scholar, ESIC Model Hospital & PG Research Institute- ESICPGIMSR (Under Govt of India),Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore and General Secretary of Bangalore Physiotherapist Network (BPN) 2017-2020

Physiotherapy Jobs Portal

Greetings from Physiotherapy Jobs Portal- www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in-India's first and exclusive registered Job Portal for Physiotherapists.

Physiotherapy Jobs Portal is a registered recruitment service, since 2010
(Service Tax Code & Registration number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

Physiotherapy Jobs Portal delivers valuable Membership benefits that helps Indian Physiotherapists in Job searching and career building.

For queries Call/ WhatsApp @ +91 9916347890/ 9482585828 or mail to: info@physiotherapyjobs.co.in, physiotherapyjobs.einsy@gmail.com

Physiotherapy Jobs Portal Website: www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in

31 Jul 2014

Physiotherapy Jobs- Interviewing Tips: How to prepare for an Interview

Physiotherapy  Jobs- Interviewing Tips: How to prepare for an Interview: 

We never know when we land up in an interview for our dream job.We need to be prepared and stand out from the rest.

Here are some solid tips for all of you heading into an interview:

1) First thing you need to do is start thinking along the lines of a “salesperson”. You need to speak for at least 3-5 min. about why you are the best Physiotherapist for the job and why he/she should hire you. Talk about your background, education, and experience. Practice this over and over again until you have it down cold. In addition, it would be highly recommended that you research the company you wish to work for. Begin your research with the company web site, then their history, philosophy, vision, and any hints at company culture. This will help you know if they fit what you’re looking for in a physical therapy clinic/company, and why you might be a fit for them.

2) Always arrive early! It is important that you get to the interview approximately 15-20 min early. This will give you time to relax, regroup, review some notes and fill out any necessary paperwork prior to the interview. Using this time for the restroom and making sure your appearance is fresh, clean and presentable is encouraged. Make sure you spit out any gum you might be chewing on, and it might be a good time to use that packed toothbrush and toothpaste for a quick brushing to freshen your breath.

3) Each question should be listened to carefully and then answered thoroughly and thoughtfully. Avoid using filler words like, “um’s”, “you know’s”, “uh’s”, and “like’s”. Be confident when you reply to questions. PT Managers look for people who have a sound knowledge base and have the confidence of answering questions thoroughly. Answer the questions with precision and thought and wait for the interviewer to respond.

4) “So…tell me a little about yourself”. This is very likely to be the first question out of the interviewers mouth so be prepared. We know it is often hard to talk about yourself without sounding either arrogant or plain. But this is your chance to talk about your personality traits and background information that establishes your qualifications for the position. Emphasize your work ethic, love for the PT profession and your desire for ongoing education.

5) The dreaded “What is your weakness and what have you done to overcome it?” question. How do you answer that? Solution: mention a quality or two that is really a quasi-strength in disguise. For example, “I am a very thorough person and like to make sure notes for each day is done perfectly but this sometimes takes more time for me than others.” In these types of behavior-based questions the interviewer is looking for you to give them a specific example from your past that demonstrates your abilities. It is a good idea prior to the interview to think of the skills needed for the job you’re interviewing for, and what examples you have from your past that show that you have successfully demonstrated those skills, remind yourself of the details of those examples. You want to avoid leaving the interview and remembering your good examples after it is too late.

6) If an interviewer asks, “what do you see yourself doing in 5 years?” This is considered a probing question to determine how long you might stay with the company. The appropriate answer is one that shows you are a good candidate for long term employment but also leave things ambiguous, there’s no law that says you have to work in the same place forever. State goals that are in line with your PT career and that show you are a good candidate for long-term employment. Something like “I’d like to be your Senior Therapist,” is a good response.

7) Answering the “How you resolved a particular challenge?” question. Be ready with some specific examples of your more challenging cases. Also, provide some examples of how you were able to get a particular task accomplished under unusual pressure, or a short deadline, if you have those types of examples. Don’t make anything up though. It’s also a good idea to provide examples of your teamwork skills and how well you communicate ideas with co-workers and supervisors.

 8) Always display a friendly, positive demeanor! This is perhaps the most important aspect of the interview. An energetic smiling face will always “speak” volumes. Body language (not clutching onto your briefcase while you’re interviewing), positive tone and attitude goes a long way to impress an interviewer. Make sure you Sit up straight, don’t tap your feet or drum your fingers. Make sincere eye contact with the interviewer. If it comes down to a tie between you and another candidate with equal experience and skills, your enthusiasm could swing the job your way!

9) Be cool under pressure. You might be tested to see how you react to confrontation. This may be a way for some interviewers to eliminate more timid therapists. Always maintain professional demeanor and behave as if your interviewer is doing nothing unusual. The idea here is, that you’re not always going to be treating clients who are happy to see you, and some that are in intense pain may not be the friendliest people you’ll ever encounter. Your interviewer knows this, and he or she is just trying to find out how you will be treating the clients when those situations arise.

10) Finally, make it perfectly clear that if you’re interested in the position. And make sure you mention it at least twice. Say something along the lines as, “I am very impressed and excited to join your team, I would be very interested in taking this step further.” We know it may sound slightly assertive, but letting the interviewer know that you want the job clears up any ambiguity and lets them know that you’re serious. If you don’t get a PT job offer on the spot, follow up with a short Thank-You note and ask for the job again. The Thank-You should include appreciation for the time the interviewer took to meet with you, a brief description of the couple of items you discussed that you felt went well, anything that you want to resolve that was of concern by the employer, and your interest in the position or moving forward in the interview process.Don’t use e-mail. Handwrite a note on a generic Thank-You card and drop it into the mail. Trust me, hardly anyone does that anymore. You will stand out from the crowd.

Try some of these techniques and make sure you practice practice practice! Never enter an interview cold. One trick from our experience, is to ask yourself possible interview questions in your mind on your way to the interview and practice answering them out-loud, in your car, on your walk, or even on the train (trust us, you won’t look as crazy as you think!). Most of all, be yourself, and exploit your strengths. There is nothing more rewarding to know that your physical therapy skills are in high-demand and the employers know it.

Compiled by: Physiotherapy Jobs Portal: www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in
Physiotherapy Jobs Portal is India’s first and Exclusive Registered Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists for Job Search, Assistance and Career building since 2010.
(Service Tax Code & Registration Number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

30 Jul 2014

Physiotherapist vacancies- Kuwait, UAE & India- July 29 2014

July 29-Physiotherapist vacancies in UAE, Kuwait, Bangalore, Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata. For details login to Physiotherapy Jobs Portal www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in 

-A Registered Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists for Job Search, Assistance and Career building
(Service Tax Code & Registration Number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

29 Jul 2014

How safe is your favourite painkiller?

How safe is your favourite painkiller? : A slew of recent studies shows that paracetamol, the world’s favourite painkiller, is not as wonderful and safe as it was thought to be. Concerned with the findings, pain experts have begun reconsidering their universal endorsement of this wonderpill as the first drug of choice for all painful afflictions.

The Lancet reported this week that paracetamol does not relieve lower back pain at all, despite it being the most commonly prescribed treatment for it. A study from Australia found the painkiller to be as useless as a placebo (sugar pill) at both reducing and helping recover from back pain, which afflicts half the world’s adult population at least once each year. Instead of taking paracetamol, people with back pain were better off being as active as possible (which means avoiding “bed-rest”, which is the next popular cure-all among Indians), using heat packs or going for Physiotherapy (spinal manipulation).

In the study, 1,652 adults in Sydney with acute lower back pain and an average age of 45 were given paracetamol three times a day for four weeks, or when they needed it, or a placebo. The average length of time it took them to recover was lower for those on placebo: 17 days for the two groups taking paracetamol and 16 days for those on the placebo. The painkillers did not relieve short-term pain or improve pain-related immobility, sleep or quality of life.

Apart from fever, paracetamol is used to treat mild to moderate pains — from headache and menstrual pain to toothache, backache, osteoarthritis and colds. /flu aches and pains) and to reduce fever. It’s a non-prescription drug, sold over the counter because it is considered effective and safe, but now both are being called to question.

The maximum recommended dose is 3-4 gm over 24 hours — (six to eight 5,000 mg tablets) — but because of it’s perceived safety, people can take more, especially when they’re having other medications that may contain paracetamol, such as medicines for pain, fever, cough and colds.Exceeding 4 gm puts your liver at risk of collapse from some serious overwork. When paracetamol breaks down, it produces a toxin that’s mopped up by a specific liver enzyme. In the case of overdose, the liver overworks to replenish the enzyme, leading to liver damage and failure. Overdose symptoms, if they occur at all, include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, sweating, stomachache, tiredness, yellowing eyes/skin, and dark urine. Having alcohol with paracetamol can compound liver damage.

Then there’s the less discussed risk of internal bleeding. A UK study of almost 900 men and women with knee pain showed that those who took paracetamol for three months registered a drop in oxygen-carrying haemoglobin in the blood equivalent to losing one unit of blood (400 ml). Those given ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs — known to cause internal bleeding and irritation to stomach lining — registered a similar fall in haemoglobin but reported much less pain, reported researchers from Nottingham City Hospital in the medical journal, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. While the risk of internal bleeding from paracetamol was known — it should not be had with “blood thinning medicines such as aspirin, warfarin, isoniazid, ketoconazole etc — the extent of bleeding came as a surprise, which added to the debate on whether it should be as freely recommended as it is.

Of course, several thousand people take paracetamol every day in the recommended doses with no damage to their liver or stomach lining. The safety mantra is ‘sporadic use in moderation’. Take the pill for fever and pain, but never for more than three days at a stretch in high doses (above 2 gm). As a prescription for pain, it’s safer to have it for not more than 10 days (5 days in children in paediatric doses) without a review with your doctor.

All drugs, however safe, come with some side effect even when you stick to the right dose, so it’s alright to go for it if the medicine’s side effects outweigh the benefits. Your role is to think before popping painkillers like mints and use them only for acute fever and pain after remedies such as ice and heat packs have failed.

News Source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/comment/sanchitasharma/how-safe-is-your-favourite-painkiller/article1-1245044.aspx

Compiled by: Physiotherapy Jobs Portal

( An exclusive registered Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists for Job Search, Assistance and Career Building)

27 Jul 2014

Bangalore Physiotherapist Network (BPN) Annual Conference- July 27 2014

Fit to take part: Bangalore Physiotherapists Conference (BPN) 4th Annual Conference Organizing Committee.The Conference was attended by Physiotherapists from all over Bangalore and had 7 eminent speakers and brainstorming sessions.It was a great get together and a chance to interact and network with Physiotherapists across Bangalore. Dr.Sharan Patil, a leading orthopedician, the Chief guest emphasised on the importance of Physiotherapists in health care system and need for evidence based Physiotherapy Practice. Another step towards Professional growth and Networking in Bangalore.

26 Jul 2014

Job Quote

Physiotherapist Vacancies- July 25 2014

July 25-Physiotherapist vacancies in Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia , Bangalore, Mumbai, Noida, New Delhi, Gurgaon. For details login to Physiotherapy Jobs Portal www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in

-A Registered Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists for Job Search, Assistance and Career building
(Service Tax Code & Registration Number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

22 Jul 2014

Physiotherapist Vacancies- Gulf and India- July 22 2014

July 22-Physiotherapist vacancies in Gulf, Delhi NCR, Jalandhar, Jodhpur, Mumbai, Bangalore . For details login to Physiotherapy Jobs Portal www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in

-A Registered Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists for Job Search, Assistance and Career building
(Service Tax Code & Registration Number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

Physiotherapy a Balm for Pain

Physiotherapy a Balm for Pain: There comes a time in every person’s life when he/ she requires physiotherapy for pain and movement rehab. The treatment is customised depending on the need and cause of the physical problem, which may range from neurological disorders and stroke to physical injury and surgeries. Almost all government hospitals offer physiotherapy without charge to both outpatients and inpatients.

“We have some of the most advanced technologies for rehabilitation. Our main focus is on rehabilitating sportspeople after injuries,” said Dr Deepak Chaudhury, director, Sports Injury Centre, Safdarjung Hospital.
“To treat pain, there is electro therapy, a gymnasium with advanced facilities, a hydrotherapy chamber and an isokinetic system to strengthen muscles after injury,” he added.
Among private hospitals, Apollo, Max and BL Kapoor Hospital provide home services to patients while Ganga Ram Hospital offers subsidised services to poor patients at the hospital clinic.
Apart from sports-performance enhancement, Vasant Vihar-based AktivOrtho deals in orthopaedic, neurological and paediatric rehabilitation. “The pricing of therapies is decided on the basis of the details of the case, the kind of therapies required, the duration of the treatment and distance travelled for home services,” said Lipi Verma, a physiotherapist at AktivOrtho.
Most private hospitals deal in a range of therapies and rehab for paediatric development delays, traumatic brain injuries, cardiac problems, spinal cord injury, post-cancer care, post-joint replacement care, occupational therapy, neurological and gynaecological problems. There are several packages for these therapies at the private hospitals that range from ` 5,000 to ` 15,000 for multiple sittings.
Home service charges range from ` 250 to ` 1,200 for each visit, depending on whom you go to. “We provide home services to people confined to bed after a stroke, road-traffic accident, cancer, knee replacement or spinal surgeries or severe sports injuries,” said Mrigank Agarwal, owner, Cure ‘n’ Care Centre for Physiotherapy and Pain Management, Pashchim Vihar.
“We also offer electro therapy for pain management and manual therapy for soft tissue mobilization and the charges at the clinic per joint for each session is ` 150,” he added.
Physiotherapist Deepti Chhabra, owner of Healing Hands Physiotherapy Clinic in Janakpuri said: “We also provide home services to children with autism or people with facial paralysis or Erb’s paralysis ( Erb- Duchenne palsy), Guillain- Barré syndrome and rickets. We have packages ranging from ` 1,500 to ` 8,000, including for new mothers who want their abdominal muscles toned.”

News Source: Hindustan Times , Delhi Edition July 22nd 2014.

Compiled by: Physiotherapy Jobs Portal

19 Jul 2014

Physiotherapist Vacancies- July 19 2014

July 19-Physiotherapist vacancies in Qatar, Kozhikode, Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Delhi NCR . For details login to Physiotherapy Jobs Portal www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in

-A Registered Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists for Job Search, Assistance and Career building
(Service Tax Code & Registration Number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

17 Jul 2014

Physiotherapist Vacancies- July 17 2014

July 17-Physiotherapist vacancies in Maldives, Gulf, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Surat, Thiruvananthapuram ,Kolkata . For details login to Physiotherapy Jobs Portal www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in

-A Registered Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists for Job Search, Assistance and Career building
(Service Tax Code & Registration Number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

WCPT Congress 2015: Singapore

Now is your chance: registration opens for the WCPT Congress 2015
Could 2015 be the most important year of your professional life? Registration for next year’s WCPT Congress – the world’s biggest and most influential international physical therapy gathering – is now open.
According to past delegates, it is an experience that can change your career – whatever stage you are at. “My first WCPT Congress gave me an opportunity to meet experts in my field of research, and it’s been a great experience ever since,” said Joyce Mothabeng from South Africa.
“It’s something that every clinical physiotherapist should attend at least once,” said Celia Tan from Singapore who has been to four WCPT congresses. “You never again get the chance to meet so many experts in one place.”“I was totally amazed to see all the papers, their impressive quality, the presentation style,” said Pradip Ghosh from the USA.
“The WCPT Congress has allowed me the opportunity to meet people with similar interests, to be inspired, and hear words that continue to motivate me – whatever aspirations I might have or develop,” said Jo Ann Walker Johnston from Canada.The WCPT Congress 2015 will be held in Singapore on 1st-4th May. An early bird rate offer available until 2nd October provides the opportunity of a 20% saving on registration fees.  
WCPT has already announced 25 agenda-setting focused symposium sessions, led by international experts in their field. Among them are sessions on advocacy, cerebral palsy, clinical trials, exercise adherence, management, chronic pain, stroke and tendinopathy.  Elizabeth Dean from Canada will be convening the third physical therapy summit on global health.  A full list of the sessions can be viewed on the congress web pages.
A full programme of clinical visits and pre- and post-congress courses has now been announced.
The Singapore Physiotherapy Association has arranged for public and private institutions to open their doors to delegates who have registered for the full congress. The visits, covering a wide range of institutions and specialties, take place during and after the congress. 
The 21 pre- and post-congress courses run by experts in their fields have now been confirmed with topics ranging from chronic pain to health promotion and clubfoot. The courses offer delegates the chance to explore issues in depth, meet with experts and colleagues in their field of interest and discover the implications of the latest thinking on practice. 
Aimée Stewart, Chair of the congress International Scientific Committee which is organising the programme said: “The framework for the congress is now in place. Now, we just need delegates to breathe life into it.”
She says she knows of many successful research collaborations that only came into being because of delegates meeting at a WCPT Congress. “I have personally been greatly influenced by what I have learned about practices in different parts of the world by attending WCPT congresses,” she said.
WCPT congresses are organised so that delegates can select a combination of scientific sessions, such as focused symposia, poster and platform abstract sessions and discussion panels, practical courses and clinical visits, all within their area of interest. The programme will appeal to as many clinicians, researchers, educators and managers as possible, and allow them to use their time at the congress effectively so that they can meet their interests.
“We hope that delegates will be able to build their own portfolio of sessions suited exactly for them, embracing the scientific programme and more practical or issue-based activities, as well as making the most of the plentiful networking opportunities,” said Aimée Stewart.

With the content of courses, clinical visits, focused symposia and networking sessions already in place, the other congress sessions – discussion panels, platform presentations,  WCPT seminars and posters – will be announced in the coming months.

News Source: http://www.wcpt.org/news/Congress-registration-opens-Jul14

Compiled by: Physiotherapy Jobs Portal

14 Jul 2014

Physiotherapist Vacancies- July 14 2014

July 14-Physiotherapist vacancies in Bangalore, Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Nagpur, Chennai, Hyderabad, Thiruvalla & other Locations. For details login to Physiotherapy Jobs Portal www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in

-A Registered Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists for Job Search, Assistance and Career building
(Service Tax Code & Registration Number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

13 Jul 2014

Chennai & Bangalore- Fitness Industry Vacancies for Physiotherapists- July 2014

Chennai & Bangalore- Fitness Industry Vacancies for Physiotherapists:

1. Chennai- Physiotherapist vacancy for a Female and Kids Fitness Studio at Medvakkam, Chennai.
Qualification: BPT with 1-2 yrs experience as a Fitness Instructor. Mandatory knowledge on initial screening, body composition calculation, various muscles and joints. Knowledge on Aerobics, Yoga, Pilates would be added advantage.
Timings: 6am-2pm . Flexible for over time, if required.
Candidates should be residing in and around Medavakkam, Chennai.
(7 - 10 km radius from Medavakkam- Sholinganallur Junction)

2. Bangalore/Chennai- Male Physiotherapists for Unisex Centres and Female Physiotherapists for Female Fitness Centres.
Selection Criteria: A Telephonic Interview will be conducted for Shortlisted candidates and Salary would be based upon Experience, The Job Location & Technical skills.

How to apply: If residing at Chennai or Bangalore at present and if interested in to work in Fitness Industry send your Resume to:
(Mention the Job Location in the Subject Line :
Example : “ Physio Fitness Trainer-Chennai/ Physio Fitness Trainer-Bangalore ”)

Physiotherapy Jobs Portal : www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in

12 Jul 2014

Physiotherapist Vacancies- July 11 2014

July 11-Physiotherapist vacancies in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kochi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Kolkata Delhi NCR & other Locations. For details login to Physiotherapy Jobs Portal www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in

-A Registered Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists for Job Search, Assistance and Career building
(Service Tax Code & Registration Number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

Physiotherapist Resume Making Tips

Physiotherapist Resume Making Tips:
If you want to be prominent from the rest of the crowd, make an impressive resume for Physiotherapist Job.

1. Create an objective for your resume. Don't just state that you're looking for work as a physiotherapist. Be specific about your area of expertise and the environment you'd like to work in, such as "To obtain a position as a physiotherapist at a private clinic that focuses on osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis."

2. Add a professional summary to your physiotherapist resume. This should explain how many years of experience you have, and highlight your most relevant skills, such as experience working with a certain population, execution of an unconventional technique, or types of injuries or afflictions you generally treat.

3. List your professional experience. Include all jobs you've held in the field. List your title, the name of the company, the location and your dates of employment. Include three to five bullet points under each position that list your job duties and responsibilities. Try to match these duties with the need for the position you're applying for when possible. For example, if you're applying for a position at a community center that works primarily with senior citizens, emphasize your experience working with this population.

4. Include a section for your education. List your relevant degree, the university you attended and the location of the university.

5. Create a section for professional organizations, certifications and licenses. List these in order of relevance to the position you're applying for. For example, an active membership with the American Physical Therapy Association is more relevant than certification in CPR.


Link 1: http://coverlettersandresume.com/physiotherapist-2/physiotherapist-resume-sample/

Link 2: http://www.ehow.com/how_6363757_make-resume-physiotherapist.html

Compiled by:

Physiotherapy Jobs Portal
PHYSIOTHERAPY JOBS PORTAL is a registered recruitment service.
(Service Tax Code & Registration number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

8 Jul 2014

Physiotherapist Vacancies- July 08 2014

July 08-Physiotherapist vacancies in UAE, Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai & other Locations. For details login to Physiotherapy Jobs Portal 

-A Registered Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists for Job Search, Assistance and Career building
(Service Tax Code & Registration Number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

7 Jul 2014

Physiotherapist Vacancy- Kozhikode Kerala- July 2014

Kozhikode (Calicut), Kerala : Physiotherapist vacancies for an International Standard Physiotherapy and Wellness Centre at Kozhikode, Kerala.

(i) Two Physiotherapists (MPT in Neurology/ Pediatrics and should be residing in Kerala at present)

(ii) Two Physiotherapists (BPT and should be residing in Kerala at present)
Fluency in Spoken English and Malayalam is required. If Residing in Kerala and willing to attend a Telephonic interview mail your CV to:
E-Mail: info@physiotherapyjobs.co.in
(Mention “PT-Calicut” in the subject line of the mail)

For other National and International Physiotherapy Jobs Login to Physiotherapy Jobs Portal: www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in

6 Jul 2014

Saina Nehwal Credits Physiotherapy

A very special victory: Saina:

Saina Nehwal says that her victory over Carolina Marin in the final of the Australian Super Series in Sydney on Sunday was a very special achievement for her.
“I will remember this for a long time. Firstly, it was a very difficult final for me because I had to play with blisters and it was painful. I was under immense pressure during the final. Carolina is a very dangerous player who could not be taken lightly and she had reached the final after some impressive wins too,” the 24-year-old Saina told The Hindu from Sydney after her title-triumph.
“I think this is a victory which has answered all the questions of critics who thought I could never win again,” said Saina.
“Now, I have won the seventh Super Series title. And, I believe that I have done it with my hard work and strong will power — I just believed that I could win this one. I owe a lot to chief coach Gopi Sir and the support staff including Maqdoom and Physio Kiran,” she said.
“This was the most challenging win because I had to prove this time that I am one of the best players in the world. Definitely, in terms of confidence, this win should do a world of good. Such victories will change my outlook for the next few major events lined up.
“Now with a Super Series title win after such a long gap, the huge load of recent disappointments has gone off my shoulder.
“Winning a gold medal in the 2016 Rio Olympics is the dream that I am chasing,” concluded the champion from Hyderabad.

News Source: http://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-sports/a-very-special-victory-saina/article6160495.ece

News Update by: Physiotherapy Jobs Portal

National and International and Physiotherapy Jobs.
Physiotherapy Jobs Portal
is a registered recruitment service for Indian Physiotherapists.
(Service Tax Code & Registration number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

5 Jul 2014

Physiotherapist Vacancies- Gulf and India - July 05 2014

July 05-Physiotherapist vacancies in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, New Delhi . For details login to Physiotherapy Jobs Portal www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in

-A Registered Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists for Job Search, Assistance and Career building
(Service Tax Code & Registration Number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

3 Jul 2014

Fitness Industry Jobs for Physiotherapists July 2014

Fitness Industry Jobs: Physiotherapist vacancies in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Tamilnadu  (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Salem, Erode, Tirupur, Dindigul) for our Client- a Chain of Reputed Fitness Centres in South India.

Qualification: BPT or MPT with 0-3 yrs experience and Should be residing in and around any of the above mentioned Cities.

Job Details: Male Physiotherapists for Unisex Centres and Female Physiotherapists for Female Fitness Centres.

Selection Criteria: A Telephonic Interview will be conducted for Shortlisted candidates and Salary would be based upon Experience, The Job Location & Technical skills.

How to apply: If interested in to work in Fitness Industry send your Resume to:
(Mention the Job Location in the Subject Line
Example : “ Physio Fitness Trainer-Bangalore”)

For other National and International vacancies in  Physiotherapy , login to Physiotherapy Jobs Portal:

(A Registered Job Portal for Job Search and Career Building)

1 Jul 2014

Physiotherapy Jobs Portal- 7 Years of Service

Celebrating 7 Years Service of Physiotherapy Jobs Portal: Started as “Physiotherapy Jobs” in Orkut on July 1st 2007 (http://www.orkut.co.in/Main#Community?cmm=35070222 ), Physiotherapy Jobs Portal was registered as the First and Exclusive Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists in 2011 and continuing its services with Job Assistance, Updates, Recruitment Services, Workshop Information, Physiotherapy News and for Career Progression in Physiotherapy .Thanking all Physiotherapists and Registered Members for the Support.

Physiotherapy Jobs Portal: www.physiotherapyjobs.co.in
India's first and exclusive registered Job Portal for Physiotherapists.
(Service Tax Code & Registration number: DSFPS4451BSD001)