Physiotherapy Definitions and Classifications
1. World Health Organization (WHO): "Physiotherapists
assess, plan and implement rehabilitative programs that improve or
restore human motor functions, maximize movement ability, relieve
pain syndromes, and treat or prevent physical challenges associated with
injuries, diseases and other impairments. They apply a broad range
of physical therapies and techniques such as movement, ultrasound,
heating, laser and other techniques. They may develop and implement
programmes for screening and prevention of common physical ailments
and disorders"
(Reference: )
2. The International Labour Organization (ILO ): Physiotherapists and related associate professionals treat
disorders of bones, muscles and parts of the circulatory or the nervous system
by manipulative methods, and ultrasound, heating, laser or similar techniques,
or apply physiotherapy and related therapies as part of the treatment for the
physically disabled, mentally ill or unbalanced. The International Labour
Organization (ILO) is the international organization responsible for
drawing up and overseeing international labour standards. It is the only
'tripartite' United Nations agency that brings together representatives of
governments, employers and workers to jointly shape policies and programmes
promoting Decent Work for all.
(Reference: )
3. International Standard Classification
of Occupations (ISCO) is a tool for organizing jobs into a
clearly defined set of groups according to the tasks and duties undertaken in
the job.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified physiotherapists in
professional group (ISCO Code 2264) and paramedical professionals have been
classified in a separate entity (ISCO code 2240).
4. World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT) : Physical therapists are qualified and professionally
required to: -undertake a comprehensive examination/assessment of the
patient/client or needs of a client group -evaluate the findings from the
examination/assessment to make clinical judgments regarding patients/clients
-formulate a diagnosis, prognosis and plan -provide consultation within their
expertise and determine when patients/clients need to be referred to another
healthcare professional -implement a physical therapist intervention/treatment
programme -determine the outcomes of any interventions/treatments -make
recommendations for self-management.
5. Delhi Council for Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy
Bill 1997 : “Physiotherapy” means
physiotherapeutic system of medicine which includes examination, treatment,
advice and instructions to any persons preparatory to or for the purpose of or
in connection with movement dysfunction, bodily malfunction, physical disorder,
disability, healing and pain from trauma and disease, physical and mental
conditions using physical agents including exercise, mobilization,
manipulation, mechanical and electrotherapy, activity and devices or diagnosis,
treatment and prevention.
6. Maharashtra State OTPT Council: "Physiotherapy" means a branch of modern
medical science which includes examination, assessment, interpretation,
physical diagnosis, planning and execution of treatment and advice to any
person for the purpose of preventing, correcting, alleviating and limiting
dysfunction, acute and chronic bodily malfunction including life saving
measures via chest physiotherapy in the intensive care units, curing physical
disorders or disability, promoting physical fitness, facilitating healing and
pain relief and treatment of physical and psychosomatic disorders through
modulating physiological and physical response using physical agents,
activities and devices including exercise, mobilization, manipulations,
therapeutic ultrasound, electrical and thermal agents and electrotherapy for
diagnosis , treatment and prevention.
(Reference: )
7. Government
of India:
Quality Council of India ,Survey Report & Recommendations Of Clinical
Establishments :The treatment of
disease, bodily defects, or bodily weaknesses by physical remedies, as massage,
special exercises, etc., rather than by drugs.
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